According to Pro Football Reference, 338 players did the 225 bench press test at the 2021 combine. Intermediate lifters: bench press 1-2 times per week. If you prefer to bench press according to your age (which is the safer alternative), follow this guide instead: Age range. So assuming most lifters arent as soft as the one's I know, Ill estimate 6.75 million people on earth can bench over 225. Deadlift: 175 to 335lbs. a lot depends on your weight, your experiences and what weight you started with. Also, doing 3 sets of 8-12 won't get you strong as quickly as using lower reps. Charles, 44. * DAY ONE: 1-Monday is the heavy day. However, it's worth noting that much of the progress may occur merely by improving technique and skill in . Pec deck 3 x 8 @ 130, 140, 150. By tucking your elbows in more, you'll put less wear and tear on your shoulders and involve your triceps more. "As I entered my 40s and things started to hurt and bark at me, I became more interested in form and doing the lifts right." What is a good Bench Press? Under 10 reps: 17 players (5%) 10-15 reps: 87 players (26%) 16-20 reps: 86 Players ( 25%) 21-25 reps: 83 players (24%) What Program Is Best For Increasing Your Bench Press? Helpful. How long did it take you to bench 225 lbs from 185 lbs? - Quora If you can bench over 225, you're a big bad man. Here's why: Rule of thumb add 5 pounds a week to your bench workout. Note not all players at the combine participated in the bench press. Max bench calculator. The average Bench Press weight for a male lifter is 97 kg (1RM). How to: Set up in pushup position, with your hands just a little closer than shoulder-width. You will try to perform 5 sets x 8 reps on the bench press, increasing intensity (weight) during the second week. Weeks 3-4 - Transition period. This Is How Easy It Is To Get A 225lbs Bench Press Note not all players at the combine participated in the bench press. Starting Strength Gyms - Get Strong, Guaranteed 3a) Standing Chest Press - 3 . Charles, 44. Unrack the bar and hold at arm's length. Step back and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes turned slightly outward. This bench press program is broken up into 3 segments: Weeks 1-2 - Rep Work. Or, say, 50 dips. Now that we know it can take around 8 months — or much longer depending on the factors above — let"s learn a bit more about the press and how to improve your numbers.