chrome scroll bug

Discord . It also seemed to be linked to having Chrome/IE/Firefox open. This should show you a page with all the extensions on your Google Chrome. Logitech Smooth Scrolling - Chrome Web Store ag-Grid version: 24.1.0. It's almost like when the YouTube vid is seen on the screen the entire screen goes to 30hz but then when I scroll down it goes back to 60hz. Chrome 83 is rolling out now! Fix Auto Scroll Position Issue That Causes Page Jumps on Chrome Thomas_Kaplanek September 15, 2021, 6:10am #10. Quit and restart Chrome. Click Remove or toggle off the switch on the bottom right corner of every extension on the page. The browser is still registering "wheel" . How to Fix Google Chrome Freezing on Windows 10[2021] Like this: .wrapper { scroll-snap-type: y mandatory; max-height: 100vh; overflow: scroll; } Edit 2: I still think it's a bug, the code below doesn't work. This scrolling effect has always been a part of the Edge browser on Windows 10 and it's also coming to Chrome, thanks to Microsoft engineers. There's a new way to detect memory leaks. Issue Summary. Any extensions or add-ons installed in the chrome can cause the issue - Chrome freezes Windows 10. Edit: I would use that on a wrapper rather than on the html. Click Remove or toggle off the switch on the bottom right corner of every extension on the page. Clear search Chrome bug - scrolling auto zoom - YouTube You can also right click the tap and hit "reload tab" instead of restarting Figma - that fixes it for me. Slow scrolling in Google Chrome is a bug that can appear as a result of the browser's graphics settings, a video driver issue, the Web page itself or the performance of Windows as a whole. Optionally, you can enter a password, but it's not required. Using mouse wheel to scroll in Chrome changes the zoom on first scroll, then works properly. It was linked to whatever window the mouse was in. Chrome Bug!? - infinite scrolling above page body (several Pages) Dark mode for every website. it only happens in small boxes all over the browser and . Hi, It seems to be an issue with the Google Chrome browser. When I scroll the navigation stays fixed but does not shift upward as the browser's address bar disappears. Click on the I don't have this person's sign-in information link.

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