dax distinct values with filter

When you use the DAX VALUES function in a context that has been filtered, such as in a PivotTable, the unique values returned by VALUES are affected by the filter. DAX: Distinctcount with two filters on same column I would like to consult to you this problem --- so I have the an ID, name, Col1, Col2, and Col3 columns.. DAX Filter I’ve placed the text “The first month and year in the current context is”. Docs. Values Using DAX Inside Power Note: This function cannot be used to return values into a cell or column on a worksheet; rather, you nest the DISTINCT function within a formula, to get a list of distinct values that can be passed to another function and then counted, summed, or used for other operations. Learn more about DISTINCT in the following articles: Difference between DISTINCT and VALUES in DAX. Introduction to DAX for paginated A table containing only distinct rows. DAX Filter - DISTINCT function I also want to show how you can create a dynamic text by utilizing the COMBINEVALUES function. DAX - The Many Faces of VALUES() - P3 Adaptive dax distinct values with filter - johnyalbino.com DISTINCT, VALUES – DAX Guide - SQLBI Display distinct values with multiple OR filters Step 2: Now DISTINCTCOUNT DAX function with other columns.

Hanns Lothar Todesursache, Maracuja Dessert Im Glas, Technikerschule Stundenplan, Articles D

dax distinct values with filter