ec2 user data script not running

I am not sure what's going on here. instance_type = "t2.micro". Here is the terraform configuration file with user_data field. User data and cloud-init. You'll want to run InstanceInitialize.ps1 in a running instance. Loading. Log your EC2 Linux user data and then ship it to the console logs Replace it with an 'echo start'. We're allowed to use both shell script and cloud-init directives in user-data field.. We can pass user data to an instance as plain text, as a file (this is useful for launching instances using the command line tools), or as base64 . Sending the lines as an array (which is a format I have seen in other parts of the config, i.e. The video shows details about aws ec2 user data .What is aws ec2 user data and how we use it to automate installation, updates etc during bootstrapping on. line two. [TBC] Create a user data script that installs and runs PostgreSQL Database Server (Not ready yet) Check that the database is running: sudo -u postgres psql -l. should return a list of databases. How to make EC2 user data script run again on startup? For Advanced Details, enter your custom script in the User data text box. Basically, AWS provides us an option to enter all the commands we want to run after the EC2 instance is created. The Ubuntu and Debian EC2 images published on allow you to send in a startup script using the EC2 user-data parameter when you run a new instance. line three". or <powershell></powershell>. Run a command on an existing EC2 Windows instance I stored the code at my GitHub repository: ec2-userdata-terraform. If your AMI is a snapshot of the machine ( lift . When you are in step 5 and configuring instance details like VPC, subnet . In order to add user data to an EC2 instance, we have to load the script from the local file system and pass it to the addUserData method on the instance. Amazon AWS EC2 User-Data Script for Microsoft Windows

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ec2 user data script not running