fivem admin commands give weapon

#1. All of the following commands apply to that character and you must … To use these commands, you need to have sv_cheats 1 enabled. Damage 34. /goto Teleports you to the specified player id. Personal Weapons weapon name int hash int hash (hex) uint hash uint (hex) WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE , -1357824103, … PLEASE STOP COMMENTING ABOUT THIS! User command. Commands Console commands can be executed either using an RCon tool, directly from the server console interface, a server configuration file, the server command line, or (if a resource is allowed by the ACL) the ExecuteCommand function.. If anyone feels like custom coding it for me, I can pay a small price, or if anyone knows a premium menu, I can pay a small price. Type in: setgroup USERID superadmin. FiveM You won’t have to purchase them from the in-game store. /char ID. Shopping Cart. Server Commands. Klicke hier, um mehr über unsere aktuellen zu erfahren. It shows the direction of the event (e.g. Wir haben hier eine Übersicht über Adminbefehle erstellt /setcoords zu Koordinaten teleportieren /setjob Job vergeben /car Fahrzeug spawnen /cardel Fahrzeuge löschen … Liste der Befehle/Commands für Admins für das ESX Framework. #1. profile_musicVolume <0-10+>. Give Hash 2937143193. User command. The following is a list of Admin commands that can be used in-game. It shows the direction of the event (e.g. - Docs Below is a searchable list of give commands for all weapons, armor, grenades and items in CS:GO on Steam. Advanced Rifle. FiveM-Wiki. /setcoords teleport to coordinates. Below is a searchable list of give commands for all weapons, armor, grenades and items in CS:GO on Steam. Made a little example, don’t know if it works though since I just hardcoded it without testing. Server Commands - Docs For a easy list of all weapons and their stats, use this page instead! Rate of fire 70. ESX Admin Commands für FiveM. GitHub New Admin Commands + ESX Admin Commands + Admin Duty Sytem + Log + Tag . /radiobeepvol [1-100] : Control the volume of radio beeps. Native Reference. So we guarantee you a long game with our Undetected FiveM Hacks. Bowie Knife - "give weapon_knife_survival_bowie" To drop knifes use command "mp_drop_knifes_enable 1" YOU CANT PICK KNIFES UP, ONLY GOLD AND DEFAULT. EasyAdmin is a feature-rich and highly customisable Administration Suite for FiveM and RedM Servers. give weapons Admin commands Commands We have many FiveM cheats for your games. Call an Admin, will show like a Report in EasyAdmin: unban [ban id] Removes a specified ban: ea_printIdentifiers [id] Console Only: Prints all identifiers of a User: ea_addShortcut [Shortcut] [Text] Adds a shortcut for a reason: ea_addReminder [Text] Adds a … FiveM Commands ¶ EasyAdmin Features various commands which are able to be used instead of the Menu. storymode. esx_adminduty STEP 1: Open the ‘Server.cfg’. WEAPON::GET_AMMO_IN_PED_WEAPON(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), a_0) From decompiled scripts Returns total ammo in weapon GTALua Example : natives.WEAPON.GET_AMMO_IN_PED_WEAPON(plyPed, WeaponHash)

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fivem admin commands give weapon