flyff magician skill build psykeeper

Game FAQ Seasons FAQ; Ranking. using lvl 1 of any skill (except ressurection) gains 2.5% exp, and changes lvl when it reach 100%. Flyff-Guide - Assist Guide • Magic Dream Hunter 1. Home; Shop; Discord; Registration; Download; Features; Guides; FAQ. Download the game and play now! re: Mercenary, Assit, Magician or Acrobat. Psykeeper is the class that uses magic and can Float! Der Psykeeper ist eine der 2 möglichen Klassen nach dem 2. And let me tell you, AoE psy is VERY fun. Posts: 244 Received Thanks: 12 how can i lower the dmg of psykeepers/mentalist. Using a two-handed Stick, Assists can cast various buffs to help another character or themselves in the game. Discussion on how can i lower the dmg of psykeepers/mentalist within the Flyff Private Server forum part of the Flyff category. First of all, you will need to adequitely equip your mage if you're going to get anywhere at all. Seraph. Always use it basically, and try to fight Lightning monsters. Beginners Tips/FAQ Skills - wiki insanity It is useful on Hobos, then Dumblings. STA based Billposter bound. 18 Stone Spike Staves or Wands You need to be level 15 to change job. Walkthrough - Psykeeper FAQ Walkthrough for FlyFF PC: Page 1Fly For Fun:Psykeeper FAQCurrent Patch: V10January 07, 2008By: John Wakefield, a.k.a. Magician>Psykeeper Skill Build Question - Flyff World

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flyff magician skill build psykeeper