Frank Lucas, who . Quotes from Movie American Gangster :: Finest Quotes American Gangster (film) American Gangster. " You can be sucessful and have enemies or you can be unsuccessful and have friends " . Roberts had become a lawyer, just like in the American Gangster film, and he spent many years as "friends" with Frank Lucas and was acted as his attorney during the period of the film. If Roberts had gone to trial in the case, he could have been sentenced to several years in a federal penitentiary for . And not when he later became friends with. Frank Lucas wanted to be rich — what he called " Donald Trump rich." He not only believed he could make it big in the drug world, he also understood how to do it. Roberts followed a 1970 Ford Bronco from New . Frank Lucas was played by Denzel Washington with Russell Crowe playing Richie Roberts, who was the cop investigating the heroin distribution. He stated his heroin, "Blue Magic", was 98-100% pure when shipped from Thailand. Black Widow. Jan. 17, 2008, 3:15 PM PST / Source: The Associated Press. "The most important thing in business is honesty, integrity, hard work, family, and never forgetting where we came from. Richie Roberts - Wikipedia "See, ya are what ya are in this world. Det. Richie Roberts: It was the right thing to do. Elevator Mom . He gets up early. "Ya are what ya are in this world. American Gangster (2007) - Russell Crowe as Richie Roberts - IMDb "I am not one to condemn anyone for anything that they do," Roberts said after Frank Lucas's death. Today, with his dangerous days behind him, Roberts leads a casual life as a practicing criminal defense attorney in West Caldwell, NJ. During private practice, Roberts has defended many homicide cases and was involved in New Jersey's first Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) case. The Life and Career of Richie Roberts Practicing Criminal Defense ...
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