how to access variable outside function in javascript

6. declare it outside the function so the outside scope can see it (be careful of globals though) var profile = []; function profileloader () { profile [0] = "Joe"; profile [1] = "Bloggs"; profile [2] = "images/joeb/pic.jpg"; profile [3] = "Web Site Manager"; } or have the function return it: How to Access a Variable Outside of an AJAX Function with jQuery All the variables created outside of functions are called global variables. JavaScript Function Parameters Accessing variables in a constructor function using a prototype method with JavaScript? this short tutorial should help. declare Global Variables in JavaScript 3. Eg $.ajax({ url: 'includes/ajax_chart.php', data:{present:'present'}, … JavaScript Functions - W3Schools You want to keep your variables inside of your function. ,A variable declared outside a function, becomes GLOBAL.,A … But I'm going to show you a use case where function scoping sort of comes back and bites us. ; Why does the expression weirdObject.prop-3 evaluate to NaN?Please write your answer in a comment below! In general, it’s better to pass local variables from one function to another as … The first part describes how to access the return value of a Promise object right after it has been resolved; The second part describes two possible ways of accessing the return value of Promise object LATER in the code. The variables that are defined inside the class but outside the method can be accessed within the class (all methods included) using the instance of a class. when you click button 2 before clicking button one, myVar is currently set to the value undefined. How to Use JavaScript Variables in Global Scope. How to access the correct this inside a callback You cannot access a variable outside of the function unless it is sure that the function is done executing. This is why you must use the done () function to make sure that the function is done executing and the variable it contains is defined. And this is how to access a variable outside of an AJAX function with jQuery.

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how to access variable outside function in javascript