9 Possible Ways to Reply for 'My Pleasure' » Trending Us When responding to "Nice to meet you", you can reply formally, "It's a pleasure meeting you as well" or informally "Same here." When meeting business officials, we must take into consideration, we don't know the person, one could reply, "Thank you, sir/ma'am, it's nice to meet your acquaintance." The reply for "Pleased to meet you" | UsingEnglish.com ESL Forum Can be used to introduce a point similar to one someone just made. Other ways to say "nice to meet you" in an email are, "It has been a pleasure connecting", "I look forward to hearing from you", "fondly" and "blessed to connect.". 3 Ways to Respond to a Thank You Email - wikiHow You know, it was a pleasure meeting you but it's a shame we never met. You can use ' My pleasure ' when someone says ' thank you ' to you: Thanks for the lovely meal. Body of the letter. A better sounding English translation would be "Pleased to meet you". December 11, 2013. It's a bit formal. politeness - Responding to "It was nice to talk to you" - English ... These emails work if you want to pitch your idea or discuss the matter more thoroughly. Here are some ways you can respond to a thank you in an email: "My pleasure. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to meet with you and members of your faculty. 5. Likewise is used as an adverb. It was a pleasure to have met you. 14. Dear Tutor, how should I reply to a person telling me"Pleasure to meet you" 11. The best answer for Pleased to meet you is The pleasure is all mine. "It has been a pleasure connecting". C'est un plaisir de vous rencontre - Pleased to meet you. English Phrase: It was a pleasure meeting you. - PhraseMix.com It is a very formal and strong ending line that wraps up a speech and lets everyone know that you have finished speaking. This is bad for a few reasons. From your perspective, I hope my answers assured you that I have the aptitude, ambition, skills, and experience you need. The reply to this: 1- The pleasure is all mine. In case something is wrong or missing kindly let us know . Keep it short but sweet. 认识您感到很荣幸 ; It was a great pleasure to work with him. italki - How to respond on "pleased to meet you" ? -please to -thanks ... Thanking you, Salutation (Yours faithfully/yours sincerely/ regards/best regards/warmest regards/) Signature. Meeting you for the first time was like my dream come true. In a like manner. Do nothing, just Smile. It was nice meeting you, we have shared good memories but my main worry is losing you.
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