试试SuperBuilder吧. IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3 EAP (213.4293.20 build) Release Notes. ConfigurationKeys (Lombok) @SuperBuilder(toBuilder = true) //Warning Builder.Default is not compatible with hand-written constructors Lombok is a very handy library that is used pretty commonly for Java development. Generating All-args constructor using Lombok. import lombok.Builder; import lombok.Data; @Data @Builder public class Person {private String name; private String address; public static PersonBuilder builder {return new PersonBuilder (){@Override public Person build {prebuild (); return super. In the first use case, we're merely implementing a Class, and we want to use a builder to create instances of our class. For what it's worth, a nice take on this custom constructor idea (if you can somehow make it possible to generate more than one constructor with this, that'd be amazing), and then a PR with the update, would definitely be welcomed. 1. Lombok @Getter and @Setter - Home | Java By Examples Table of Contents Short Introduction Example of SuperPoint and Point3D Mapstruct builder lombok noargsconstructor and @allargsconstructor together Project Lombok is a Java library which can generate some commonly used code and facilitate keeping source code clean, e.g. Lombok SuperBuilder Spring Autowire Issue With Child Class To do this, we annotate our class and its ancestors with the @SuperBuilder annotation. Flexible immutability with Jackson and Lombok - Luminis
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