Part 73. Blaen moaned in agony; his back was on fire and his head reeling. Captured as prisoners of war by the Haradrim, Legolas and Aragorn are tortured ruthlessly at the hands of their host. He feared for the innocent lives of those young children and women. If things go as planned there will be no dawn for either Elf or ranger, but first one must break. Torture and Rescues . Can Aragorn reach him in time, or will he be too late to save his friend? But by the third day, the Elfling was becoming hungry and thirsty and the darkness of the dungeon was beginning to take it's hold for the torch had burned . Even from where he stood, he could hear the mother Dwarf scream as her beard and clothes, too, blossomed with fire. " Legolas, Legolas ", Aragorn shouted as he rode after his best friend. And most of all, he feared for this sworn brother of his. Now, Legolas was left alone with his father and Lord Elrond. Imladris "Father, there is a messenger from Mirkwood," Arwen said as she hurried towards her father. The first few days yes, the prince had remained where Morolas had asked. When Aragorn finally finds him and his captors, both come to realise that a dark force is stirring in Rhûn that might destroy all they hold dear. Fanfic: Legolas the Bane of My Existence, Lord of the Rings | FanFiction Lord Of The Rings Fan Fiction Legolas and the Rangers Torture and Rescues ( Chapter 9 ) [ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ] . Legolas angst and torture | FanFiction Torture and Rescues . "Estel." Legolas said softly. Legolas' normally elegant hair was haphazardly thrown about his head and shoulders, and it was dirty and bloody. Legolas smiled and said, "I know, mellon nin. Lord of the Rings Communities | FanFiction Worst of all, the fresh wounds covering his back were laid . He feared for the frail and bent old people of Rohan. Legolas had disappeared so abruptly, pursued by a black, wicked creature, The ranger feared for his friend's well being and prayed to the Valar that nothing had befallen him. The Fellowship has split. " Legolas, Legolas ", Aragorn shouted as he rode after his best friend. With an aching heart, Aragorn tries to heal you. His emotions were in a hopeless snarl; there were so many things that he was feeling that he scarcely knew what to think. Legolas Torturer Torture Story, a lord of the rings fanfic | FanFiction A/N: Legolas age is close to 10, according to human age, when he was sent. Fanfic: Nothrimraegath Ch 3, Lord of the Rings | FanFiction With skin of a dark ash color and unbelievably large, fatal scars disfiguring his entire body, the creature charged at Amitiel. Legolas hissed at the beast. Last night. Worst of all, the fresh wounds covering his back were laid . I le." Estel smiled back though there was sadness etched into his eyes. Tortured, a lord of the rings fanfic | FanFiction I hope nothing has happened," Elrond said. Legolas had been very wary of the race of men since he was a child. Taming Legolas - Keep Him Close, Lord Of The Rings Fan Fiction | MediaMiner Torture of the Legolas and Aragorn! | FanFiction Discover lord of the rings wattpad stories 's popular videos | TikTok The Woods of Fear and Pain Chapter 1 Legolas, a lord of the rings ...
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