mass effect 2 geth plasma shotgun location

This shotgun can also be found in Mass Effect 3. The Mattock was one of the best weapons in Mass Effect 2, and it still holds its own in Mass Effect 3. Mass effect 2: Pistol: carnifex. Purgatory: A high security starship. Unknown (Human Civilians) Cerberus Weapon and Armor DLC or researchable (Legendary Edition) M-27 Scimitar. M-22 Eviscerator is manufactured by Humans. Aegis Pack - contains the M-29 Incisor sniper rifle and the Kestrel armor. The Mass Effect 2 DLC Bundle includes: - Cerberus Weapon and Armor pack - contains Cerberus Assault Armor and M-22 Eviscerator shotgun. 5 M-96 Mattock Is Geth Plasma Shotgun is a Shotgun Weapon in Mass Effect 2 . Arguably the best shotty in the game, the Geth Plasma Shotgun functions in a unique fashion where you can charge up your shots, giving . Equalizer Pack - contains the Capacitor Helmet, Archon Visor and Inferno Armor. The Geth Plasma shotgun fires three small yet powerful electrified projectiles at a much longer range than . You will need to play on either the Hardcore or Insanity difficulty setting, but you can simply adjust it before the start of the mission. You will get this weapon during Priority: The Citadel mission. Firepower Pack - contains the M-5 Phalanx heavy . The Level X version of the Spectre pistol is hands-down the best sidearm in the game. Renegade Response: There's a search bar for a reason, chief. The Scimitar and the Claymore are better, IMO. This guide is designed for those seeking guidance on which weapons are the best suited for their personal playstyle/builds. Others like you also viewed Assault Rifles M-96 Mattock M-76 Revenant This means that . Mass Effect 2: Shotgun Stats & Locations Guide - CBR OVERVIEW. Shotguns are one of the six available Weapon types in Mass Effect 3. As a hybrid, the Mattock is a powerful assault rifle, combining low heat emission and extremely high damage. Submachine Guns are one of the six types of Weapons available in Mass Effect 3 and they have an amazingly fast fire-rate but at the expense of accuracy. Shotguns are brute force Weapons that deal massive damage at close range. Also this comes from the Mass Effect 3 wiki on the Geth Plasma Shotgun: This weapon fires 3 plasma balls instead of the standard 8 pellets. In Mass Effect 2, the only way to obtain the Geth Pulse Rifle is by playing through Tali's recruitment mission while on Haestrom. In Mass Effect 2, the only way to obtain the Geth Pulse Rifle is by playing through Tali's recruitment mission while on Haestrom. Legion will contact you via comms signaling that all hostiles have been eliminated. Standard game offers only 19 weapons, with all DLCs - 29. Data - 10,000 Credits. Shotguns are brute force Weapons that deal tremendous damage at close range. Nightsolo's Mass Effect 2 Items By Location Promotional Items Downloadable Content (DLC) Starting Equipment M-3 Predator Heavy Pistol M-4 Shuriken Submachine Gun M-8 Avenger Assault Rifle M-23 Katana Shotgun M-92 Mantis Sniper Rifle M-100 Grenade Launcher (during the Prologue) N7 Breather Helmet N7 Chestplate N7 Gauntlets N7 Greaves N7 Helmet Enemies in Mass Effect 3 are the primary obstacles in Missions and Side Missions, and they grant . Geth Plasma SMG. Reegar, Piranha, Graal, Claymore, Raider, and Geth Plasma Shotgun are all amazing in their own right. Shotguns - Mass Effect 3 Wiki This guide is designed for those seeking guidance on which weapons are the best suited for their personal playstyle/builds. On the terminal that's next to where you found the Geth Plasma Shotgun. This three-barrelled geth weapon fires miniature but potent cluster rounds of superconducting projectiles and has a longer range than standard shotguns. How can I get the geth pulse rifle? - Mass Effect 2 Q&A for ... - GameFAQs

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mass effect 2 geth plasma shotgun location