mercury records discography

Mercury Label Discography - USA - Page 69 - 45cat Mercury Records Discography: 1941-1944 - Jazz Disco Mercury Records Catalog: Wing 78/45 rpm 2100/17000/90000 series - single index. . Singles Discography for Mercury Record 71000 series This OEM factory manual is 8.5 x 11 inches, paperback bound, shrink-wrapped and contains 320 pages of Mercury Records Album CDs Love for sale | eBay 45 Discography for Mercury Records 72000 series $10.99 Add to cart More In Stock 10cc - How Dare You! Jolly Joker presents: Black Crowes MERCURY 8000 series 78rpm numerical listing discography Silly Dilly Woman. En venta CDs de Música Rock. Mercury Records Discography: 1945 - Jazz Disco GBP 11.95. add to cart. Released: 23 October 2000. This five-volume discography provides a listing of all recordings made or issued by the Mercury label and its subsidiaries (Blue Rock, Cumberland, Emarcy, Fontana, Limelight, Philips, Smash, and Wing) as well as leased and purchased materials and recordings by independent labels Decades ago, when I began collecting Mercury records, and years later when I started collecting the CDs, I was looking for a complete list of all the Mercury Living Presence records and later the CDs. in 1979. The Solo Collection. Singles Discography for Mercury Records - 71000 series some were issued as 78s and 45s, 78s ended somewhere around 71400. Mercury Records Collection: About Mercury and This Site... "MERCURY 78rpm numerical listing discography: 70000 series." The Online Discographical Project. Mercury was founded in 1945 by Irving Green, Berle Adams, and Arthur Talmadge in Chicago. Mercury - Blue Ink on White, Vertical Hi-Fi Stereo Sleeve. Mercury Records - Download and listen to albums Mercy Baby. MERCURY RECORDS Living Presence - Wilma Cozart Fine and 50 Years ... Discographical sources for 78 RPM recordings - Yale Library She was widely known by the superlative nickname . During the 1950s and 1960s, an enormous amount of recordings were released not just by the Mercury label, but also several subsidiaries, such as Blue Rock Records, EmArcy Records, and Smash Records.In the late 1950s, Mercury entered into a joint venture with Starday Records to create a Country division . Circa 1956. Smash Records and Fontana Records were sub labels of Mercury. Flipside Records, where I bought another Brook Benton's Mercury album: various LPs can be found here. Wonderyear Records, where you can find many "rare" vinyls including Mercury discs.

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mercury records discography