My Pilonidal Sinus Experience | All about my experience with Pilonidal ... People who are overweight and who have thick, stiff body hair are more likely to develop pilonidal disease. It kept re-occurring multiple times. The first two weeks after surgery are usually the most painful and uncomfortable. On the other hand, if the wound needs to be left open to drain, full recovery may require multiple months. An infected pilonidal cyst often looks like a tender, swollen lump near the cleft of the buttocks. During the first week, sitting is usually difficult. Unfortunately, if you indeed have a pilonidal, the only option is surgery to completely remove it. Skin reddening. Home remedies include sitz baths and some vitamin supplements. The main issue, however, is down deep below the surface of your skin. Haven t had any pain from day 1 after surgery,only during dressing changes. Now, day 4 of packing and unpacking with a nurse, it is on par or even more painful than labor. After completely removing the cyst, the wound can be closed with sutures over a suction drain that removes fluid accumulation. The abscess is a sac, and draining it only provides temporary relief until it fills back up again. Pilonidal Sinus | Skin and nails | Forums | Patient However, the recurrence rates have been reported to be . I had a lot of sinus tracks and the surgeon had to cut almost the entire way down my butt crack, 4 inches deep, and about 3 inches wide to remove it all. Understanding the Contents of a Pilonidal Cyst. The post-op photo was taken only 3 weeks after surgery. A pilonidal (PIE-low-NI-dal) cyst is a sac under the skin at the base of the spine located in the opening between the buttocks muscles. When I inquired as to what she might have done to injure it, she had no idea. The traditional surgery for this condition is excision of the pilonidal cyst and the surrounding tissue. Pilonidal cysts usually occur when hair punctures the skin and then becomes embedded. It is a very simple procedure that can be done in an outpatient setting with very few complications. Despite excision of the cyst, recurrence is common. Put more simply and inclusively, all pilonidal problems can be lumped together as pilonidal disease. The purpose of this appointment is to: 1) insure that your drain-helper is properly performing the drain procedure, and 2) to make certain that a blood clot hasn't accumulated under the . the doctor said it was pretty deep so he had to take out a bit larger than average amount of flesh. Felt like I had broken my coccyx. Put more simply and inclusively, all pilonidal problems can be lumped together as pilonidal disease. Please call the pediatric surgery office at 206-215-2700 if you have any questions. I am struggling with a pilonidal cyst and looking for FiLaC Treatment.
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