Pirate101 Companion List Tier [HWCZ1J] He has three promotions. What is Pirate101 Companion Tier List. Louis Le Bisque. Gaspard de Vole (Guinea Pig Guard) - Armada. Musketeer pirates cannot use shooty weapons. But beyond the more well-known members of our crews - fully-voiced companions such as Bonnie Anne, Ratbeard, and Monkey King - there are plenty of other companions we can stumble across and recruit as we journey throughout the Spiral. Pirate101 Companion Promotions Chapter 1: The Gal with the Golden Gun ... Title: Crab Harpooner (debut), Crab Gunner (Promotion 1), Crab Cannoneer (Promotion 2) Class: Musketeer. Musketeers damage their enemies at long range and keep them at a distance with traps and obstacles, denying foes any chance for hand-to-hand combat. Dead Mike (Undead Pirate) - Mutiny. There are so many different companions in the game, easily over 50 in the game. . Location:Anthemusa - Pirate101 Wiki Ahoy Pirates! Buy sell and trade Pirate101 accounts. Pirate101 Companion Promotions Chapter 1: The Gal with the Golden Gun ... Fox Musketeer into Fox Sharpshooter into Fox Sniper; . Pirate101 - Ultimate Samoorai Musketeer Companion Guide (Fall 2021)#TheFearsomeRubberDucky #Pirate101 #RevivePirate101You can obtain this companion as a wit. If you like finding all the unique little tidbits in the Pirate101 story, make sure to choose a different path for each of your different Pirates! Bonnie Anne starts out as a 'Fox Musketeer', but at Level 8 she is able to be promoted to 'Fox Sharpshooter'. Which companion you receive, depends on how you were captured at the beginning of the game. Of course you need a better weapon; that sparquebus wouldn't do. Bonnie is the next best thing to Chantal. Vengeance2+ + Riposte2+ + Bladestorm2 makes for a strong counter-melee setup, perfect for solo survivability, and he hits hard with it unbuffed. Musketeer: Old Scratch, Gracie Conrad, Chantal Livingstone. Bonnie had been taught under my own watchful eye. The companion the Pirate obtains depends on their class. I'm gonna tell you all on how to build certain Musketeer type companions and how they should be used. a good set up for her is: *Epics: Overwatch 3 . 6 Thieves'Guild Leader 4. Bonnie Anne | Kingsisle Pirate101 Wiki | Fandom Privateer: Old Scratch, Contessa Argento, Haywire . Side Quest: Hurly-Burly (note that many things lead up to the quest Hurly-Burly) Class: Swashbuckler. Lucky Jack Russell (Dog Pirate) - Shipwrecked. Musketeer Compnaion Builds and tips | Pirate101 Free Online Game
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