As a Survival Hunter, your stat priority is Haste > Versatility > Critical Strike > Mastery. What is a survival hunter stat priority? The other pages of our Survival Hunter guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right. And numbers - in 454 average, I managed 58.5K dps on Garalon, with an elemental shaman being the only one clocking in above me (at 62K). Beast Mastery Hunter Stats, Races & Consumables guide PvE Survival Hunter Stat Priority Talents & Builds Pre-Raid & Best In Slot Gems, Enchants, & Consumables Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities In this section, we will be covering a Survival Hunter's Stat Priority List and an explanation of each stat and why it's placed where it is on the Priority List. Beast Mastery Hunter Mythic+ PvE Guide - Or you can give me one time donation on Paypal. Icy Veins Hunter Stat Priority Classic - XpCourse What he is also telling me is that flat agility (Which is added as attack power to your weapon) is more important than your secondary stats as a hunter. Raidbots website is probably still a good tool to use to determine stat weights. Join Discord community. In a custom chart if the creator provided a profile, it replaces the formerly mentioned profiles. The general stat priority for a Marksmanship Hunter is: Versatility/Mastery; Critical Strike/Haste. Best Enchants for Survival Hunter 4. SURVIVAL HUNTER ON TOP? 8.3 Survival Hunter GUIDE - YouTube Survival Hunter Stat Priority - Shadowlands 9.2 - Guide - Wowhead For accuracy purposes, analyzes the character equipment types, keeps . This is a guide about how to build Survival Hunters for 3v3. Survival Hunter Best PvP Talents. The general stat priority for a Marksmanship Hunter is: Versatility/Mastery; Critical Strike/Haste.
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