PvE Enhancement Shaman Talents & Builds - (TBC) Burning … In this guide, we will focus on one build for the Enhancement Shaman – it revolves around the use of Stormstrike and Lightning Shield. A full Guide to TBC shaman. - Blue Tracker Gems 7. Par Woah. TBC Restoration Shaman gear pre-raid … Being a Shaman in TBC Classic PvP can be a completely different experience, based on your talents: Elemental-focused Shamans are all about dealing sustained damage from afar with Lightning Bolt, which is occasionally followed by Chain Lightning and Earth Shock for massive burst. TBC In this guide, we will go over everything you need to know about Macros for your Enhancement Shaman, explain how to make your own, and cover some of the best for both hardcore and general players alike. Fist of Reckoning. Welcome to Wowhead's Enhancement Shaman DPS Raid Buffs and Consumables Guide for Burning Crusade Classic, updated for . TBC Enhancement Shaman DPS Guide - Wowhead