But unfortunately, they weren't able to find anything. Mamoru had shortened thier lesson so that Usagi could have plenty of time to rest. Spring was turning into summer and the whole city seemed more energetic, more vibrant, more alive. A First Time for Everything Chapter 1, a sailor moon fanfic | FanFiction Chiba Mamoru/Tsukino Usagi (Background) But when Motoki's fanaticism for Tokyo's rival upsets the whole neighborhood, Mamoru and Usagi find themselves running for cover and into each other's arms. He flung his phone into seat beside him and speed down the street. It was the day before her big exam and Usagi was trying not to think about it. Mizuno Ami - Works | Archive of Our Own She starts out very tsuntsun, switching a bit more to deredere as time passes; she specially acts like this towards Mamoru (first season only; she backs off as soon as he and Usagi are revealed to be each other's true loves), Yuuichirou, and specially towards Usagi. It's not that I don't ship any canon pairings but most of them don't interest me half as much as the non-canon ones. "One day, we will vanish. Though he's a generally likable character, the . "What?" Mamoru's voice slurred through and Usagi looked at her cell, "Oh, I'm sorry, it's important though, if it matters," She cringed, realizing the time difference, "I'm at the temple with everyone, say hi everyone." First season, Magic Girls and Usamamo First Love Story - Tuxedo Mask was injured while trying to assist Usagi. Usagi wanted to help more but Ikuko said that she had everything else handled and that Usagi should go spend time with Mamoru while he was there. Meanwhile Mamoru and Usagi have to discover where they are and how to get home. Tsukino Usagi; Additional Tags: Magically Powerful Harry Potter; Morally Grey Harry Potter; Language: English Series: ← Previous Work Part 4 of the Harry Potter - World Traveller series Stats: Published: 2022-04-30 Updated: 2022-05-29 Words: 35751 Chapters: . Seiya Kou/Tsukino Usagi. Major Character Death. They kiss, they lie down, they hold each other's hands and they sleep together. Tsundere/Anime - All The Tropes 30 May 2022. Spring was turning into summer and the whole city seemed more energetic, more vibrant, more alive. It's not real.
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