The newly added "chance to gain combo count" stat in melee rivens can give up 100% -102% negative chance to gain combo, meaning not even Relentless Combination or True Punishment, mods that give 100% PLUS chance to gain combo can fix this negative stat. It can also chain Void Sling further than any other Focus school. Warframes get more cast speed, while Operators get more critical damage. Close. Location or Eneny : Rarity % Chance: Mercury/Suisei (Spy), Rot A: Uncommon: 14.29: Venus/Vesper (Spy . [Top 5] Warframe Best Gunblades That Are Powerful (Latest Patch: Angels ... Melee combo counter increments for every melee hit, and resets to zero if you haven't hit anything in a while. Warframe Builder warframe combo count chance - Phenmor: A semi-auto rifle that turns into a minigun when evolved. The Scindo Prime is a decent melee weapon . New Hydroid Prime Build - Warframe Hydroid Prime - Overframe How does the combo counter multiplier work? : Warframe - reddit Mod Detail and farming drop locations - The number of attacks you've chained together is your "combo counter", and the buff is your "combo multiplier". Your combo counter increases the damage your heavy attack will do. WARFRAME紫卡词条中英文对照 - 哔哩哔哩 - Bilibili 观看7月6号下午的tennocon直播送nekros prime,受此事件的影响。warframe market上nekros prime价格大幅度下降。nekros prime是去年6月1. Gain melee crit chance and Operator Amp damage. Damage to Grineer 对G系克隆尼的伤害 The second arm cannon weapon in Warframe is an extremely strong one. 4. Warframe: How to Get All Acolyte Mods & What They Do 10% Critical Chance per Combo Multiplier. WARFRAME WEAPON True Punishment; True Punishment. For this Warframe Riven Challenge I recommend using a strong tank Warframe like Rhino/Rhino Prime or Inaros - this will allow you to ignore mobs during the boss fight and focus your melee attacks on the boss in order to build up and keep the melee combo counter. let's say default chance is 1. The damage will be increased, but would be much more maximized with something that scales with a higher combo count. It deals a whopping 248 damage a swing, has a 26% chance to critically hit with a 2.2x multiplier, and it has a 30% status chance per swing.