what did the normans bring to england

peasants did not speak French. 1066 and the Norman Conquest | English Heritage The Church of England, which is Protestant, is the country’s official church. The region was badly damaged during the Hundred Years War and the Wars of Religion, the Normans having more converts to Protestantism than other peoples of France. what did the normans bring to england . What did the Normans bring to England in the 11th | Chegg.com Autumn 1; Did the Normans bring ‘ a truckload of trouble’ to England after 1066? Did the Normans Copy. Log in. But when William, Duke of Normandy, conquered England in 1066, the political enterprise had linguistic implications: the English lexicon would never be the same.. William had almost certainly been chosen as successor by the English king 15 … moustaces (curly) fries. what did the normans bring to england did the Normans change language They also built beautiful churches in the shape of a cross.

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what did the normans bring to england