If using this data in a published report, please cite Cboe Global Markets as the source. Volume / Market Cap. It indicates that the company is in good financial health and is less likely to face financial hardships. Live Ratio Finance price in JPY. RATIO to JPY, Ratio Finance Price in JPY, Chart & Market Cap ... Apple Market Cap - YCharts Possibilities of share turnover ratio. There are five types of financial ratio: 1. Alternative ETFs in the ETF Database Large Cap Growth Equities Category. The data is updated every 20 minutes during market hours. Loading. Coin98 Markets - A Powerful Market Tracking Tool In Coi98 Exchange ... Litecoin seem to have a consistently high Trading Volume to Market Cap ratio (50%) that I've never quite seen anywhere else. Rarely at a constant rate. It is often called the price-to-earnings . As of April 15th, there was short interest totaling 4,420,000 shares, an increase of 35.2% from the previous total of 3,270,000 shares. Market cap definitions can vary, so the following are general guidelines. It is calculated by multiplying the price of a stock by its total number of outstanding shares. Volume. Options volume refers to how many trades are completed making it an essential measurement of interest and strength of an option. From trading perspective that is if you are looking for coins with exponential growth then you must consider market cap that is low with higher trade volume. Cap is short for market capitalization, which is the value of a company on the open market. The 24-hour volume section at the top of CoinMarketCap website shows the total value of crypto traded in the past 24 hours. Daily Vol YTD Return; Cheapest SFY: 0.00% $360.5 M 143,242 -18.17% Largest (AUM) . Investors that short sell a stock are betting that its price will . NVT calculation. ago. The UX/UI design of Coin98 Markets is flawless, with a simple, quick, and intuitive all-in-one interface. Most markets have a slow and steady annual growth. Daily Share Volume 693,239. . Market capitalization = total number of shares x current market price = $50 x 20,000 = $1000,000 = $1 million. Market Capitalization is what determines the value of a coin. Changes in short volume can be used to identify positive and negative investor sentiment. Among them Binance tops the list with a 24 hour trading volume of 1.2 Billion US Dollars. Coin Market Cap Explained - Understanding CoinMarketCap data/website The project is being built on the blockchain RioChain and will be connected with Polkadot. Liquidity Score (Market Pair, Exchange) - CoinMarketCap This helps control risk as you can reduce losses where you want with minimal price slippage. All-Time Low. You calculate market cap by multiplying the price per share of a share by the total number of outstanding shares.
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