why do armpits smell like celery

why do I do not really like it on my skin and I do not want my husband to smell like this either. Put 2 air movers in. The changes in your body odor may be due to puberty, excessive sweating or poor hygiene. If smelling like weed is bothering you, here are some tips you can use to possibly eliminate the smell: Take regular showers – Smelling like weed does not mean you’re dirty. Theory 1: Apocrine Sweat. Eating certain foods — like asparagus, meats, and garlic — or drinking a lot of caffeine or alcohol can make your semen smell pungent. So i put "why do my armpits smell like gravy?" into google Fatigue. Here are five of the most likely reasons why one armpit may smell worse than the other, plus when to touch base with your doctor. However, when the odor is too strong it could be some hormonal imbalance, such as a thyroid problem. Cambridge Checkpoint Science Coursebook 8 Naturally the armpit sweats and its smell is characteristic. peep the birthmark on my arm. Parsley. Log in. The sense of smell is certainly the one that from a scientific standpoint we know less about. To me this smells like a nice bathroom or a spa. Share 0. Because making honey takes a lot of bees doing a lot of small jobs. Bacteria love moist dark environments. 4. Rinse off with your morning shower. While smelling like cat pee is the first and the most major identifier, the following are some other symptoms of excess ammonia in your body: 1. why do There are people who have armpits that smell like metal. So then i put "why do my armpits smell of curry?" Most people would think it’s something to do with sweat, and they’d be partly right. Apocrine sweat glands are located in the armpits or genital area. If you’re into cheese scents, you’ll find them in a male armpit, but if onion or grapefruit aromas are more your thing, then you’re more likely to find it armpit of a perspiring woman.Yes, men and women really do have distinctive scents. What can cause your armpits to smell like onions? - Quora

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why do armpits smell like celery